
Medical Writing

The communication of scientific results became a key element in the process of clinical research and development of medicines for human use and medical devices. Clarity, linguistic and scientific accuracy, and compliance with regulations are differentiating elements that can be guaranteed by a professional Medical Writer qualified to comply with high-quality standards.

My background and specialized experience guarantee the management of your publication strategy and the writing of clear and rigorous scientific and regulatory documents, for specific audiences, in accordance with current regulations and with the principles of good medical writing.

Scientific Communication

If you are a professional or organization (company, academic institution, association, or medical society) and intend to start a clinical study and/or have relevant scientific results to publish, I can outline your publication strategy and ensure the writing, revision, translation, and submission of:

Scientific Meetings Support

If you are organizing a meeting or scientific event, I guarantee the conception of all the support documents (pre and post event). My services include:

Clinical Research Support

Do you need support to implement your clinical study? I am available to write all the supporting documents:

Educational Materials

Writing for the general population or for patients and their relatives requires simple and clear communication techniques.I have strategies to guarantee clear and high-quality:

Scientific and Medical Writing Consulting

I provide tailored consulting services in the setting of scientific and medical communication, namely:

Need a Medical writer?

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